Saturday, August 31, 2019

Mw Petroleum

Discounted Cash Flow Valuation of Aggregate Reserves Discounted Cash Flow Valuation – Proved Developed Reserves Discounted Cash Flow Valuation – Proved Undeveloped Reserves Discounted Cash Flow Valuation – Probable Reserves Discounted Cash Flow Valuation – Possible Reserves Question 3 To value MW Petroleum we would consider the assets in place and the option bearing assets discretely. The assets in place consist of the proved developed reserves since they are already producing a determinable quantity of oil and natural gas, as well as the non-producing assets as if developed immediately (valued as the NPV of free cash flows). The expenditures associated with the proved developed reserves are also known with some certainty since they consist primarily of maintenance and replacement costs that follow experience based norms. The NPV is subject to commodity price risk due to volatility in oil and gas prices, as well as uncertainty regarding the discount rate. The options consist of the delay in developing proved undeveloped, probable and possible reserves. In the case of these assets, significant development costs must be incurred to monetize the reserves. In the case of the probable and possible reserves, the estimated cash flows are already risk weighted to account for the uncertainty in producible reserves. The options on these reserves are timing options. By incorporating volatility in commodity prices over time, Apache can value the ability to postpone capital expenditures to develop the reserves until volatility in commodity prices returns to historical levels. It is important that Apache have some level of certainty regarding minimum likely commodity prices over time since these are long-lived projects. These options yield a higher value than the DCF valuation (of the aggregate cash flows). Since we are considering these reserves as potential projects in years five through seven, we use the Black-Scholes model to value the options. The option values are inclusive of the project, i. e. not just the option alone. Question 4: The assets underlying the options are quite risky as demonstrated by the rising volatility presented in the case. Since Apache was primarily concerned with the oil assets, we used the highest recent oil price volatility of 50%. Since volatility is such a driver of option value, we also performed a sensitivity analysis to evaluate how the projects plus options would be valued at different revenue levels as well as with differing volatility. Question 5 Based on the value of all the call options derived in question 4, if the sale goes through then Apache Corporation would not exercise any of the options early. In doing so, they would incur significant financial hardship while bearing the risk of highly volatile underlying assets. Given the potential financial strain of this acquisition, as incorporated by the cost of capital, Apache would benefit from observing prices develop over time. Our answer is based on the volatility which is assumed at 50%. Based on the sensitivity analysis it does not appear Apache would attempt to develop the possible reserves within the 5-7 year timeframe.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Pistols as the Symbols of Hedda’s Defeat and the Triumph of Masculinity

Henrik Ibsen’s play Hedda Gabler, though belonging to the works of literary Realism, is not devoid of symbols. Many things in the play have a symbolic meaning, like pistols, the manuscript, Jorgen’s slippers, Hedda’s and Thea’s hair, etc. Pistols are one of the most obvious symbols. They are definitely the phallic symbols, the symbols of masculinity and everything related to men. Weapons, and especially firearms, are always associated with men; they belong to the men’s world and are alien to the women’s world of love, tenderness, and family values. Pistols belong to Hedda, so they symbolize Hedda’s masculinity. Still, pistols become the cause of Hedda’s downfall, thus symbolizing Hedda’s defeat and the triumph of masculinity over a woman who wanted to be a man. On the face of it, pistols seem to be the material twins of Hedda, symbolizing Hedda’s masculinity. There is even some similarity in their appearance. Hedda has â€Å"steel grey† eyes that remind of the cold metal of weapons; â€Å"her complexion is of an even pallor† again reminding lifelessness of the metal (Ibsen, act 1, p. 175, line 26). Even Hedda’s way of behaving bears some resemblance to the cold indifference of a potentially dangerous weapon that kills with cruelty and tranquility. Her eyes have a â€Å"cold, clear and dispassionate† expression (1. 175. 26-27). She seems to be heartless when talking to Aunt Julia with absolutely no care about Miss Tesman’s feelings and trying to take control over everybody around her. She believes that Miss Tesman’s hat belongs to the servant though Aunt Julia just bought it, and shows absolutely no interest to things that are dear to Jorgen, like his old slippers (1. 76-177). Hedda’s desire to have power is obvious from the very first steps: she orders about opening or closing the door, the curtains, firing or leaving the servant. As the story goes, she demonstrates little care about anyone except her and commands the other’s lives and deaths with a heavy hand, ordering Lovborg to shoot himself (3. 246. 16) and burning down his manuscri pt (3. 246. 24-27). With this power over life and death, cruelty, coldness and heartlessness, Hedda is as dangerous as the firearms, being a human embodiment of pistols and a female trying to become a male. Still, a closer look at Hedda reveals that she did not manage to become a â€Å"man† spiritually, despite the complete abandonment of feminine values. The image of a man traditionally comprises the values of courage, resolution, and vigor. Yet, this is exactly what Hedda lacks. She possesses the opposite qualities of cowardice, dread of a scandal, and inclination to achieve her goals by the intrigues rather than by action. â€Å"Yes, Hedda, at bottom you’re a coward†, says Lovborg to Hedda concerning her inability to carry out the threat and shoot him down, and Hedda replies: â€Å"An awful coward† (2. 219. 26-27). In this relation, Hedda fails to adopt â€Å"masculine† way of behavior, and thus loses resemblance to the absolutely â€Å"masculine† pistols, that are alien to all emotions. She completely depends on the public opinion, and the driving motif for her actions – or inactions – is a dread â€Å"of a scandal† (2. 219. 25). Because of this â€Å"dread†, she could not follow Lovberg whom she apparently loved, neither could she shoot him down. Because of this â€Å"dread†, she finally shoots herself. Thea, who does not have any â€Å"masculinity† at all and is absolutely â€Å"feminine†, has much more of courage: she leaves her family and follows Lovberg despite the blame. In the pursuit of her goals, Hedda prefers to act indirectly resorting to intrigues rather than acting and speaking openly, and this is again mostly characteristic of women’s way of achieving their goals and hardly has something in common with â€Å"masculinity†. When Thea comes to her with the news about Lovborg, Hedda carefully finds out all truth about him and Thea (1. 186-190). In relations with Lovborg, she guides his behavior by exercising purely woman’s power over him. First she makes him go to Brack’s party saying that Brack thought that Lovborg simply dared not go with them (2. 23. 1-3), then she orders him to kill himself and do it â€Å"beautifully† (3. 246. 16). Thus, Hedda does not do anything by herself, she prefers someone else to do the dirty work. This is not the â€Å"masculine† way. Thus, having rejected â€Å"feminine† values and chosen to be more â€Å"masculine† then the men themselves, Hedda fails to adopt a truly â€Å"masculine† way of life. She plays both with pistols and with men and masculinity rather than becomes â€Å"masculine† herself. She tells to her husband that she needs pistols â€Å"to pass the time with† (1. 197. 2), and later shoots in the air for amusement despite the danger to hit Judge Brack (2. 199. 13). With the same easiness, she plays with the men in her life. She marries a man whom she does not love but can control; she flirts with Brack without any intention to commit adultery; she orders Lovborg to drink or not to drink according to the changes in her mood. This breaks her connection with pistols as symbols of masculinity and makes it superficial and artificial. The pistols belong to her but they do not serve her. They begin to serve the men, and finall y betray her. Thus, Hedda is defeated by masculinity, and her devotion to â€Å"masculine† values does not help her; it rather makes the tragedy inevitable. Pistols as symbols of masculinity and men as the embodiments of masculinity spin out of her control. First, Lovborg does not play the role she prepared for him and does not â€Å"do it beautifully† – he is found shot in the bowels (4. 259). Then, the pistols do not play the role their mistress prepared for them – they do not serve to kill Lovborg and, instead, serve to bring the danger of a scandal to Hedda. The pistols now serve Judge Brack, in fact. He recognized the pistol found in Lovborg’s breast-pocket as Hedda’s and uses it to blackmail Hedda (4. 261. 19-28). Masculine values also do no good to Hedda. Being a daughter of a military, she inherited the idea of honor, and when the honor is lost, she chooses the last resort – a suicide. This was a commonly recognized measure to restore the honor in military circles. Hedda shoots herself in the temple (4. 264). Thus, pistols kill her both literary and figuratively. They become the psychological cause of her downfall and death, because they are the blackmail leverage in Brack’s hands. Hedda’s last talk with Brack is focused on pistols alone: she tries to find out how much Brack have understood about her role in Lovborg’s death, and reveals that he knows enough to make her life unbearable and provoke a scandal that she is so afraid of (4. 262). Thus, the pistols threaten her now. They also become the direct cause of her death as being used for suicide. Therefore, the pistols have the double symbolical meaning: they symbolize both Hedda’s masculinity and Hedda’s downfall. In fact, this is Hedda’s masculinity that kills her. She rejects the values of an ordinary woman, but the circumstances do not allow her to practice masculinity and go unpunished. The world does not admit a woman with man’s ambitions. In addition, this woman is still a woman – she didn’t become a true man spiritually, and she ceased to be a true woman having rejected the â€Å"feminine† values. She plays with the pistols and with the men, and she is defeated by the pistols and the men. Masculinity does not allow any attempts from women’s side to conquer men’s world.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

To what degree are we responsible for manipulating our own Essay

To what degree are we responsible for manipulating our own consciousness - Essay Example This essay suggests that changes in that perceptival bias result in different perceptions of the world, different experiences of being, and ultimately a different structure for human consciousness—and that these difference can be, in many ways, better. Too often, we humans tend to believe that sight is a first, most fundamental sense. We map the process of understanding by way of visual metaphors—seeing someone else's point, having in-sight, pushing past old horizons. Even the idea of â€Å"understanding† implies standing upright, a practice that helped early humans differentiate themselves from other animals in part because of better sight-lines. This emphasis on sight has both biological and sociological origins, in that philosophy and art have often emphasized the visual over other senses. As Pallasmaa notes, the â€Å"invention of perspectival representation made the eye the center point of the perceptual world as well s of the concept of the self† (Pa llasmaa 283). And yet, when we are deprived of sight, we do not lose our capacity to think or comprehend. Instead, it turns out the old cliche is true, and that the loss of one sense heightens the others. This is precisely what happened with John Hull, whose loss of sight—his â€Å"deep blindness†Ã¢â‚¬â€was the â€Å"prerequisite for the full development, the heightening, of his other senses† (Sacks 507). ... e â€Å"focus† on sight perhaps because it seems most obviously self-reflective; we can see ourselves seeing, a recursive act not with smell or taste or even sound. But our brains do not treat sight as if it is some singular sense, somehow greater or ontologically distinct from the rest of our embodied lives. Instead, â€Å"there is increasing evidence from neuroscience for the extraordinarily rich interconnected and interactions of the sensory areas of the brain, and the difficulty, therefore, of saying that anything is purely visual or purely auditory, or purely anything† (Sacks 514). In many ways we might even consider this myth of sight's preeminent value less for what it gives us as conscious being and more as what it takes from us. Whenever bias toward one perspective becomes pronounced enough that it begins to exclude other perspectives, or to limit the capacity to imagine alternatives, then the opportunity cost has become too pronounced. This seems to me to be w hat is happening with our culture's ocular-centrism; the emphasis on sight and vision encourages certain ways of being that are unfortunate: A culture that seeks to control its citizens is likely to promote the opposite direction of interaction, away from intimate individuality and identification towards a public and distant detachment. A society of surveillance is necessarily a society of the voyeuristic and sadistic eye (Pallasmaa 287). In today's culture in particular, with its readily available mobile cameras, social media, government surveillance, private surveillance, and the erosion of the cultural norm of privacy, it seems almost impossible to take issue with Pallasmaa's assessment: while we gain as a culture from the perspective we gain from our sense of vision, there is a moment wherein that

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 38

Discussion - Coursework Example A new division is thus getting the creation, and then gets nested within the already existing management structure. It has a comparison to adding a room onto an existing building. The other aspects of the company’s operation are left mostly unaffected by the change of adding a different section or department (Morgan, 2006). The newly appointed division heads must get personal with their employees for the growth of the organization. International organization structure can also have divisions, according to geographical location of operations. Structuring of the organization by geographical area is another form of global organizational structure. In dividing according to geographical area, the management usually appoints regional directors in different regions of a country or even a continent. Each of the local managers has responsibility for all the operational decisions within a particular geographical area. The type of strategy is often when a business first moves from only operating domestically to international operations (Linstead, Fulop & Lilley, 2009). Large national or multi-national organizations face significant and substantial communication and logistical challenges. It usually makes regional or geographical area structure necessary for effective decision making and control of the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Information Systems Management (Travel and Tourism) Essay

Information Systems Management (Travel and Tourism) - Essay Example Today, computer programs are being designed to recognize patterns in large amounts, make decisions, and solve problems. Intelligence agents are knowledge banks, since they have knowledge of certain things. Generally, there are two types of artificial intelligence, including, weak AI and strong AI. The weak AI allows machine to work independently; however, it cannot compete with human intelligence, such that, computer cannot have a mind or conscious. However, computer with weak AI can only solve some types of problems, but not all. Strong AI is also the artificial general intelligence, which thinks cognitively, and functions like the human brain. However, for a strong AI to exist there is need for software that functions like human brain, a computer that can make billions of calculations per second. Q1 (ii): Communities of practice Communities of practice are groups of people who share a passion for something in particular and learn how to do it best; it mainly involves collective lea rning such as solving problems. They can vary in different forms, for instance, a group of engineers working on a particular issue or a group of managers concerned with a particular organization problem. This proves that learning is the main reason why people interact; however, not every community is a community of practice. For instance, a group of friends cannot be defined as a community of practice. A community of practice usually involves a domain of interest; therefore, membership entails commitment to the domain. Members normally engage in discussions and activities that help towards their interests. Unless people with the same interests interact, a community of practice cannot be formed. Activities involved may vary from problem solving, discussing development, visiting, mapping knowledge, and identifying gaps among others. Moreover, community of practice is mainly applied in organizations, government, educational institutions, and development projects among others. Q 1 (iii) : Data mining Data mining is the process of analyzing and extracting large data sets by using both artificial intelligence and statistics, in order to summarize the data in an understandable and useful way to the data owner. The wide use of information system leads to the accumulation of large data in businesses and on the website. Businesses can learn from the data transaction about the behavior of their customers in purchasing and they can therefore find ways of improving on their business through the acquired knowledge. Hence, data mining uses methods that allow extraction of useful data from large data that can be useful in decision-making. However, data mining is associated with the problem of market basket analysis, whereby, a business gathers information on the items that are mostly purchased by customers. Creating an effective layout of the business is important, for instance, it was discovered that most customers who purchase diaper especially the men always purchase a beer too and chips. Therefore, today, in most stores, beer is close to diapers and chips are close to beer, making it easier to meet their customer’s interests. The problem here is when applying the data mining technique of ‘association rule mining’. To be able to mine data, the data must first be collected from the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Strategics Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategics Management - Research Paper Example The following table presents SWOT analysis of Kellogg in the competitive environment Considering the Strength, Kellogg has its presence in 17 countries and its product is being marketed across the globe. Since the company has established esteemed international operations, it can enjoy the cost and tax incentives of the other countries. In addition, the company also displays distinguished financial credibility and its shares are listed on one of the biggest stock exchanges of the world. A sound financial outlook always attracts investors to invest in the operations of an organization. Kellogg can easily raise capital by issuing new shares in the stock market and it can certainly be expected that the issue would be completely subscribed. Another source through which the company can raise finance for the expansion of its operation is through debt. Banks and financial institutions are likely to sanctions credit facilities to companies having credible financial outlook. The only weakness that is apparent from the ongoing operations of the company is that Kellogg has not updated its product line with the passage of time. Its production line still contains items that were originally developed over 50 years ago. Regarding the threats, the company faces fierce competition from several firms in the food industry who possess the volume and potential to outcast the company by introducing more sophisticated products and ingenious production strategies. Apart from that, the company also faces threats from store brand products which are cheaper to sell for the retailers. In addition to the discussed, it appears that the company has placed too much reliance on the discount merchandisers. These giant stores have the potential of exerting pressure on the company’s margin and forcing them to sale their products on lower prices. In the recent past, the company has started incurring expenditure in making its food items more nutritious and healthy. Kellogg is one of the first one to use the oil to lower levels of trans fat and unsaturated fats in its products. This venture can prove to be full of opportunities for the company. The company earns 66% of its revenue from the North America, and since the recent demographic studies suggests that people are becoming more diet conscious due to the prevailing obesity related disease, Kellogg’s investment in the modified and nutrition enriched food products is likely to reaps positive results. (b) Porter’s five forces model is an effective tool in exploring the competitive forces of the environment in which the organization operates. It allows the business to critically analyze its current business strategy and formulate one which can allow it to achieve a competitive position in the market. The first competitive force according to the model is the entry of new competitors into the market. New entrants might be able to capture some of the market share of Kellogg and will adversely affect the profit ability. With the implementation of sophisticated data gathering software, Kellogg can repel this threat to its business. The sales department can maintain a database of the orders which can significantly assist in identifying which product is most popular among the customers. This information can

Sunday, August 25, 2019

W6D Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

W6D Teams - Essay Example ganizations have preferred this kind of team apparently because of its cost effectiveness in terms of reduced cost of technology, greater use of outsourced and temporary workers, shift towards globalization and many others. Moreover, functional teams are compost of individuals from different departments but with the same task to perform. For example, an individual performing an accounting task in one department team up with another individual performing accounting task in another department. In functional team, the team members try to specialize in their roles as they try to stick to their roles (Jurgen A. (2011). Finally, self-managing teams are teams that are accountable for all the tasks they perform (Manz & Sims 1993). The team members share the work force and the supportive tasks. It is a group that is composed of individuals with a common purpose and the tasks are defined by the members (Stewart & Manz 1995). Team processes are those step-by-step actions that are taken or perform in order to produce a favorite outcome. These team processes sometimes have positive influence or negative influence on the team performance. They include transition, action and interpersonal processes (Garvin2009). All these process can have positive influence on performance. For example, a transition process like creating an action plan can help in prior achievement and organizing for future wants. Action process like assisting other team members performs their task can help promote positive cohesion and timely goal achievement. Also interpersonal process like conflict management can also help in developing some rules that can finally encourage cooperation. On the other hand, an interpersonal process like storming can have negative influence on performance. The questioning of the team’s ability to perform a given task can lead to discouragement of the team members hence not giving their best (Garvin2009 ). In conclusion, teams are important to an organization as they help in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Educational effectiveness - International Comparison Essay

Educational effectiveness - International Comparison - Essay Example All these aspects should go hand in hand in establishing an effective educational system. But there is also one new yet already proven method of assessing the effectiveness of the educational system, and this is through international comparison. Comparisons of various schools’ students’ learning across countries are already being done 50 years ago. And recently, the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) realized that this will be a good method of analyzing the level of efficacy of the educational system of the major schools around the world (Department of Education, Science and Training, 2005). Initially, IEA though of comparing the educational system of the schools so as have a clear and unbiased comparative data about the schools’ educational performances. Thus, all levels in an educational system, the teachers, the school administrators, the policymakers and even the educational facilities are being assessed and compared. As the time goes by, IEA realized that comparing the educations’ effectiveness of schools around the world can also give tremendous benefits to schools being compared and even to students and teachers themselves (Department of Education, Science and Training, 2005). The series of tests or exams for the students, the demo and several teacher valuations are known to be the proven ways of knowing if the students are learning or not or if the teachers are capable of teaching or not. But, the efficacy and efficiency of education per country as a whole cannot be assessed by those two methods. Thus, understanding and analyzing all the concepts and issues behind cross-country comparison of educational effectiveness is a good approach of appreciating education. The results of this paper can provide unlimited benefits to the students, teachers and the schools. They will be provided with ample

The impact of the different responses of residents may have upon sex Essay

The impact of the different responses of residents may have upon sex workers in the UK - Essay Example The studies each involved areas that had â€Å"street-based sex work†.4 The relevant areas were identified as Westside, Eastside, Riverside, Southside and Central. The research involved random interviews with a variety of residents and the results were mixed. Some residents expressed what was categorized as â€Å"extreme/proactive intolerance†.5 This typology was objected to sex workers on the basis of moral beliefs and often acted out in the form of â€Å"street patrols† and â€Å"vigilantism†.6 Another typology discerned by Pitcher et al was characterised by â€Å"modest intolerance†.7 These residents did not agree with sex work and generally wanted sex workers out of their communities and neighbourhoods. However, they were prepared to accept prevention policies.8 Some residents were ambivalent in that they were sympathetic toward sex workers and at the same time concerned. ... ir parents in the morning are exposed to girls in the street.10 Some residents were characterized by Pitcher et al as â€Å"proactive /support† minded.11 These residents were amenable to coexistence and would participate in programmes designed to respond to the issues. The idea was to find a solution that would accommodate sex workers and to set parameters that would be tolerated by all.12 A similar study was conducted by Williams in two big cities in England. This survey concluded that the responses of residents to sex workers were also diverse. Some residents were entirely â€Å"oblivious† or â€Å"passive† toward sex workers and their conduct. On the other hand, some residents were â€Å"violent and/or otherwise harmful to the women involved.†13 Some residents felt justified in their negative responses to sex workers on the grounds that sex workers were harming the environment, for instance, they irresponsibly littered the place with used condoms, syrin ged, used underwear and used sanitary provisions. Other residents were particularly intolerant to the perceived association with illicit drugs and other crimes and generally felt that sex workers were responsible for â€Å"the decline in the quality of neighbourhood life† and the decline in â€Å"the value of residents’ property†.14 In the Police Research Group Crime Prevention Unit Series Paper, Matthews reports that during the 1980s the increase in street prostitution and its associated kerb-crawling became particularly disturbing for women who were frequently â€Å"harassed†. One such resident expressed a desire to move away from the area but was unable to do so because her parents were unable to sell their home. The resident reported that a number of her female friends and associated shared her feelings of being

Friday, August 23, 2019

TUI ( tuarism industry ) case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

TUI ( tuarism industry ) - Case Study Example Most of the countries in the European Continent have a pleasant weather throughout the year with rainfalls is summers and snowfalls and brisk winds in the winters. These countries therefore have a excellent features for attracting tourists. Many businesses in the tourism industry of UK and the rest of Europe depend upon tourism. These businesses are museums, cinemas, hotels, night clubs, restaurants, leisure parks, spas, resorts etc (Aston, 2009). The UK tourism industry is worth  £ 114 billion. The tourism industry of Europe is backed by the European Travel Commission (ETC), which is a non-profit making organization and has its main office in Brussels. This organization has 39 member organizations (European Travel Commission, 2009). The role of these organizations is to promote tourism internationally to European countries. These European countries have now started to focus on â€Å"Ecotourism† as mentioned in the European Travel Commission website. The focus on ecotourism and sustainable tourism was initiated when the tourism industries of Asian countries were booming and the Europe tourism industry was stagnated. The tourist destinations in Europe are not a booming business but they are very stable when compared to other tourist destinations of the world. The industry creates a lot of opportunities for the locals as they get more job creation and business opportunities. The single European market has been able to attract more tourists since the European Union (EU) came into existence (Pompl, 1993). The rich culture of the continent and the diversity makes it the most viable option for tourism whether it is for business reasons of for vacations. The general population in the world is tilting more towards family oriented fun and travel (FCCA, 2005). Individuals with families want to spend more time with their families on vacations and leisure time. The increase in youth activities together with their ability to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Introduction to communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s setting Essay Example for Free

Introduction to communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s setting Essay It is important when communicating with people to observe their reactions, this is important for many reasons as it can give us some insight and indication to whether a person has understood us or not, if we have given any direction or are trying to pass on information. By looking at a person’s reactions we get an idea also to how what we are saying is being received. For example if we say something to a colleague or parent we can tell by a person’s reaction if what we have said has made or is making them happy, sad, confused, angry, outraged, worried or excited. If the persons face starts to change to look cross or frown then there is a chance you may offended, upset or made them angry, whereas if a person is smiling, laughing, joking or bright eyed they may be happy or excited. If we can learn to notice and judge these reactions we can adapt and adjust our communication by our tone or language we are using accordingly. It is not only important so you can determine whether what u have tried to convey has been understood. Reactions and body language are a person’s unspoken words or feelings and can at times be up to 30% of communication. If there was someone in my setting whose reactions and or body language become or was different to that of their normal behaviour or that of expected normal behaviour and I was concerned it would be part of my job role to pick up on this and also to communicate this to my appropriate senior within the setting. In our settings there may be many barriers a person might face in terms of communicating with one another. A common barrier is language. Others might include a learning difficulty, hearing impairment, emotional state of a person, intellect of a person, noise a sight and/or speech impairment. The list is endless some barriers are social barriers, some emotional, some environmental. Not only is it part of our role to recognise these barriers it is also our responsibility to try to reduce overcome and eliminate them when trying to communicate effectively. An example of this would be if I had a child, parent or colleague in my setting who had a problem speaking or understanding English I may use body language and facial expressions as a form of communicating and conveying a thought or feeling. Another way I could overcome a language barrier might be to make use of one of the services the setting provides like a translator or interpreter. All of these methods are acceptable and effective ways of overcoming language barriers. Another example of a barrier to communicating would be if I was trying to have a confidential talk with a parent but my environment was crowded and noisy, the noise would be a barrier as it might prohibit us from fully hearing one another and if it is crowded we may not be able to talk confidentially without others hearing or listening so to eliminate the barriers it would be necessary to go somewhere private and less noisy. Confidentiality means information that is privileged private not to be shared or exposed to or by anyone. This could be something that is said, a letter, a document a piece of information that is confidential. In our setting it is essential anyone disclosing and sharing information with us know that we will not share this information unless it is for the well being and safeguarding of the child. In our setting we are constantly being given confidential information whether it be medical need dietary needs educational requirements of or child protection issues. Generally we do not share confidential information with everyone but it is so important that the appropriate people and or organisations are informed and aware. If a child had special dietary requirements we would need to share this information with the staff who supervise the meal/snack times and also the staff in the kitchen. Another time you might share information would be if you had concerns about a childs protection and wellbeing outside of the setting. In these circumstance it is our role to sensitively disclose any concerns, information or observations on that young person to our line manager supervisor or someone in a higher chain of command at the setting to us.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Strategic Resort Hotel Management

Strategic Resort Hotel Management Corporate Social Responsibility McWilliams (2006, pg. 4) defined CSR as situations where the firm goes beyond compliance and engages in actions that appear to further some social good, beyond the interests of the firm and that which is required by law and state that CSR should be used as an element of corporate strategy. According to Fombrun and Shanley (1990) socially responsible behaviour can lead to improve firms image and reputation and therefore increase visitors number. However, Friedman (1970) argued that the motivation is to serve the bottom line and as Trexler (2008) stated ethics and moral values have no place in the business world; considering that CSR and green programmes can be strategic responses to market realities, such as the rising of fossil fuel. Nevertheless, this does not change the fact that some activities that are motivated by the bottom line may have social benefits. Sani green programme has 3 main objectives with a well-defined plan and measurable targets; Sustainable hotel operation, protection and enhancement of local biodiversity, local community support and human capital development. The green programme so far has excellent outcomes in all 3 objectives (Resort,2016) and as aforementioned promoting and demonstrating CSR results can be very beneficial for the image and reputation of the resort. CSR can be advertised through numerous channels; such as internet, sustainability reports and media (Danuta de Grosbois,2011). Despite image, measuring the economic benefits of this objectives is crucial for resorts financial sustainability. Energy and water consumptions can be easily measured and so calculate the ROI. McWilliams and Siegel (2001) suggested a model based on RBV to address optimal investment in CSR and stated that managers can determine the appropriate level of investment in CSR by conducting cost benefit analysis in the same way that th ey analyse other investments. In terms of CSR towards the employees, benefits or loyal bonuses can mitigate the effect of staff turnover, lowering the expenses for training new staff and provide a standardised customer service. Sani is already affiliated with some NGOs (Appendix) but it would be advisable to increase their number. In summary, Sani resort must set achievable goals for CSR and display them to the public in order to boost its reputation and attract more green costumers. The financial measurement of the outcomes in all CSR programmes must be calculated and measured. Life cycle Understanding the life cycle of a product,here sani resort, is an important principle in order to make more profit and stay in business (Day, 1981). It can also be applied in forecasting and developing appropriate marketing strategies, depending on what stage the product is. In order to identify the stage of a product in the life cycle Day (1981) suggested feutures and patterns at each stage. Identifyingfeatures Stages Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Sales Low High High Low Investment cost Very high High (lower than intro stage) Low Low Competition Low or no competition High Very high Very High Profit Low High High Low Table.1 According to the balance shits ( Appendix ) profit had a step increase in 2015 reaching almost 26mil (up from 5mil in 2011) and the total revenue reached 131,69mil (up from 2011 89,42mil). The competition is still on high levels and the resort keep investing money on their facilities. From these facts, an assumption that the resort is on the growth stage can be made (Product Life Cycle Stages, n.d.). Box (1983) claimed that there are 2 courses of action to extend the lifetime of a product; the technological which implies usage of modern technology to improve the product and consumer-orientated option, which lies in motivating the consumer for further usage of the product. Adjusting Boxs theory in the resort, it is recommended further usage of modern technology to address problems such as the restaurant booking app (look at TOWS), and eco technology to improve and make more efficient the CSR programme of the resort. In terms of the consumer-orientation actions, sani resort continuously invests money to its facilities, both new and existing ones, creating new features and adding value. Since the revenues are increasing and the costs are dropping it would be wise if not reduce the price of rooms to keep it steady to be more competitive. Furthermore, keep the same marketing strategy for the niche markets, i.e. Russia and green market, but further advertising in the regional market an d in social media would be suggested. According to MarketLines (2016) report for tourism in Greece, tourism shown an increase of 1.8% in 2015 to reach a value of 33.4 billion (table.1) and by 2020 is expected to be 37.1billion (11.4% up from 2015)(table.2). Â   Â   table.1 table.2 Accomodation providers accounting 38.8% of the total revenue generated by tourism (table.3). Table.3 According to sani resorts balance shits (appendix), sani increased its total revenues from almost 90mil in 2011to 131mil (47%) and its profits more than 5 times (5mil in 2011 26mil in 2015). Furthermore, the average daily price increased by 3%. Statistics from All 4 hotels of Sani resort are rated with 5 stars(table.4). The majority of comments are good and based on the staff willingness to help while providing excellent service, the location of the hotel; beautiful beaches, sun and close to nature, and the amenities provided; spas, activities and relaxation (Appendix) Name of hotel Total reviews 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* #1 Sani asterias 513 0 7 9 34 463 #2 Porto Sani 771 1 4 10 77 571 #3 Sani Club 1306 2 10 26 105 885 #4 Sani Beach 2625 8 16 74 315 2212 Sum 5215 11 37 119 531 4517 Table.4 Bad reviews were based on the prices, which they claimed the hotel rooms restaurants were too expensive (table.5), lack of privacy, noise by the children and not heated pools. Some of the customers were also unhappy with the smoking policy and the speed of their transportation, which in Greece this is considered as normal behaviour. (Appendix) Name of hotel Rooms total Lowest price room Highest price room Sani Beach 361 104 454 Sani Club 212 110 392 Sani Dunes 136 164 342 Porto Sani 109 148 520 Sani Asterias 57 234 867 Sum 825 (According to the month prices may change)Table.5 SPA Sani Beach MySpa Porto Sani The Spa Suite Sani Club The Club Spa Sani Asterias Spa Retreat Sani Dunes D-Spa In the early 1980s some resorts added spa facilities in order to attract more visitors (Monteson P.A., Singer J., 2004). Initially spas used as support facilities and if they didnt cause revenue loss, their ability to attract costumers was enough to justify their existence (Anderson, 2001). However, nowadays spas are considered profit centers and they are autonomous departments of hotels (Madanoglu M., Brezina S., 2008). In sani resort every hotel is equipped with its own spa, which is open for all guest. All spas include hairsallons, gyms, saunas, pools and the basic spa treatments. What differentiate them from other spas is that their special treatments where design by Anne Semonin, a French firm specialised in creating bespoke skincare treatments using natural ingredients. Even though some of the basic treatments are the same in all of them Anne also designed signature treatments for each one of these 5 spas. Furthermore, what also differs in each spa is the area of their specialism. MySpa is specialized in facial treatments, while the Spa Suite offers a wide range of massages. The Club Spa, which is the biggest of all, is inspired by thermal Roman baths and its equipped with Turkish Hammam, Bio sauna, plunge pool and heated recliners. Spa retreat is designed for couples and the modern D-Spa, which will open in July, is characterised as a state-of-art spa, supplied with Technogym, Hammam and new-a ge spa facilities. Sanis spas can offer more than 40 different treatments in each spa and their prices differ depending the duration of them and the ingredients used, providing genuine and life-enriching experiences (Zimmer R, Clarke A., 2006).They start from as little as 50 and they can reach to 255, which are normal prices for such treatments. Spa reservation is an option and they offer many discounts such as couples discounts, early booking discounts and multi treatment packages in which a customer can select many treatments and get a discount for them. Furthermore, many packages related to spa trends are available (Spafinder, 2016), like the junior spa, where children over 12 years old can enjoy their spa treatments and their parents can also enjoy a relaxing treatment without worrying about them, or the enjoy with mum spa. As in CSR, here measuring the outcomes is also of the utmost importance in order to evaluate and design next years strategies. As Madanoglu (2008) stated, spa benefits to resorts revenue can be classified as direct, revenue generating, and indirect, as a marketing tool. Direct benefits can be measured using the spa revenue per occupied room (SPOR) or the per available room (SPAR) figures. Moreover, keeping records of the results of dividing SPAR with RevPAR for a long time can be very useful tool to examine whether spa revenue is on the same level with the room revenue (Madanoglu M., Brezina S., 2008). In conclusion, sani should promote more the Greek culture in spa using treatments such as the thalassotherapy, which is also a trend (Greece spa guide, n.d.), and offer more packages utilizing the surrounding environment (The adrenaline Spa, n.d.). Emphasise on the pre-arrival process and separate spa reservations can also be a useful tool to increase profits (Madanoglu M., Brezina S., 2008), and it should be taken under consideration. Finally focusing more on the experience customers get, can increase their satisfaction and so the revenues (Singer, 2000). Generic strategies STRATEGIES Current Position Suggestions Marketing strategy based on the 4Ps Prise Product Place Promotion Focus Strategy Niche market (Russia) green market Expanding Strategies Affiliated with IKOS resorts (Oaktree Capital) Goldman Sachs Asset Management fund and Hermes GPE Cost Leadership Strategy Increase profits by increasing prices and lowering costs Examine occupancy ratios to decide whether further increase in price should be wise Marketing strategies: Based on the VRIN and TOWS frameworks it is possible to create and implement a successful marketing strategy utilizing McCarthys (1964) marketing mix. 4Ps framework refers to 4 broad concepts of marketing decision; i.e. price, product, place and promotion. The suggestions in each field, except place in which sani invest a lot by renovations and building new attractions ( Sani Dunes) and we strongly suggest to keep the existing strategy, are the following: PRICE: Introduce new offer packages, such as early booking discounts to increase occupancy, offers for offseason stays and conventions to mitigate the effects of seasonality and special offers for special occasion events; i.e. valentines day and womans day Reduce or keep current prices (3% up from 2015) to increase costumers satisfaction, decrease bad reviews in sites (, and be more competitive PRODUCT: Escaping from the routine and leisure are the 2 main reasons for a visitor to go to resort (Faizan Alia, Kashif Hussainb, Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavanb , 2014). All hotels provide the same basic products the difference is how they provide it and with what quality (Bouncken, 2002). Product is the field that can differentiate sani resort from its competitors. According to Dunning (1981) there are 3 sectors to differ the product supplied; the on premises services which is the services received upon staying, the provision sector which is before the arrival stage and the deliver on the ground sector. Sani does an excellent job in their provision and delivering on the ground strategy and suggestion can be only made for the on premises services. For buildings and surrounding areas, since sani continuously invest in them (new hotel Sani Dunes) the suggestion is renovations where needed, so the resort will look more appealing Create more eco-activities to attract new customers Providing benefits, training and enhancing employees knowledge about customers preferences can offset the effects of staff turnover and lead to better and standardized service quality (Bouncken, 2002). PROMOTION: Promote sani resort more in the local community as a weekend escape option. Use social media to promote special events and offers ( facebook, twiter, Instagram) Promote sanis CSR and green programme even more Respond to criticisms in booking sites Focus Strategy: As Mr Andreadis, chief executive of the Sani, stated in FT they turn into the Russian market after the economic crisis in Greece and the worries that international tourism will decrease, as it did (Apendice) (Hope, 2015). The recommendation is to keep this strategy but also expand in the green (look at CSR) and purple (Appendice) market also. Expanding strategies: In 2016 Sani and Ikos resorts announced a merge, aiming in an investment plan worth 200mil(Akrivou, 2016);for buying new properties. Furthermore, funds from Oaktree Capital Management L.P., Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Hermes GPE, will also be involved it this investment plan (Kousounis, 2016). Cost Leadership Strategies: Since the costs are decreasing examine if a further increase in prices should be wise. Furthermore, investment in eco programmes can lead to an additional cost reduction and empower CSR programme. TOWS MATRIX A TOWS matrix is used by organisations in order to develop and implement their strategic plans, by matching its internal strengths and external opportunities (SO); to find its competitive advantages, as well as to identify and convert threats and weaknesses into opportunities and strengths (oxford college of marketing, 2016). SANI RESORT TOWS ANALYSIS External Opportunities External Threats Increase in tourism numbers in Greece Russian niche market Lack of competition in the area The green movement Experience over material trend technology and social medias takeover Economic crisis in Greece and unstable taxation model Instability in Turkey and refugee issue New competition in other municipalities in Greece Internal Strengths SO ST Excellent but transparent service Numerous amenities and activities Good reputation in social media and tourism websites Excellent environmental development and protection performance Location and geographic advantages Good relationship with local community and strong partnerships High tech convention facilities New hotel, Sani Dunes overflow budget Combine natural and cultural aspects with activities at the resort Use resorts good reputation to advertise sani in social media Due to eco-friendly image of resort, sani can promote it and attract more concern for environment visitors and introduce more eco-activities Considering the lack of competition in the area and the niche market, sani can promote its location advantages; sunny hot beaches, marina and walking trails, to attract more visitors Providing a peaceful and luxurious environment can mitigate the bad impression of Greece to visitors Promote the location of the resort to make it more competitive over other places in Greece Internal Weaknesses WO WT Seasonality High maintenance costs Staff turnover Restaurant bookings Utilize green programs to reduce maintenance cost and increase revenue Continuous development of programs and apps can contribute a lot in online booking and increasing revenues Aim in new markets for conventions to offset the effects of seasonality Provide training for staff and bonuses can mitigate staff turnover and hence improved service will increase relieving and decrease the worries of customers about political or social situations. SO Strategies: It is the desire of every firm to exploit the potential market opportunities by utilizing its resources. Sani should focus in 2 niche markets. The first one is the Russian market, worth mentioning that is a very rich market, which in the last 2 years Greece has become more popular as a destination for them. Sani has already turned to this market by opening a Branch office in Moscow and added Russian as an optional language in their site. Affiliations with big Russian tourism offices, creating packages especially for this market and hiring staff able to speak Russian are suggestions to be considered. The second is the green market, which consist of visitors who in order to choose their next destination they have the CSR programme of the firm as a criterion. Sani can use its surplus to create new eco-activities, develop and promote the Sani Green programme and invest in eco-tourism WÃŽÅ ¸ Strategies: When an organisation try to overcome its weaknesses, utilizing the external opportunities can become a very useful tool (Business Study Notes, 2016). Conventions from new markets can offset the effects of seasonality and by utilizing the sani green programme the maintenance costs can be reduced. ST Strategies: The unstable economy in Greece and the immigration problem have created a negative image of Greece to the visitors. Sani can overcome this issue by promoting its blessed location and its peaceful and relaxing environment by itself or take common action with the Greek National Tourism Organisation (visitGreece) to mitigate the effects of this image and promote a beautiful and attracting Greece. WT Strategies: This strategys goal is to remove sanis weaknesses which will overcome the external threats (Business Study Notes, 2016). By providing benefits and training to staff members the staff turnover can be mitigated and hence the service quality will be standardized and improved. As a result, customers can enjoy better service of pleased staff in a pleasant ambience away from Greek financial and political troubles. VRIN FRAMEWORK According to Barney (1991), in a business environment that the resources are heterogeneous in nature and not perfectly mobile, a resource can be characterised as sustainable competitive advantage if it fulfills the following 4 attributes: It must be valuable, in the sense that it can exploit opportunities It must be rare among firms current and potential competition It must be imperfectly imitable And it cannot be substituted The core competitive advantages for Sani resort, as mentioned and explained in the presentation, are the following. Sani Resort Valuable Rare Inimitable Non- Substitutable Size YES YES YES YES Marina YES YES YES YES SANI Festival YES YES YES YES Pase Dr. Blythe (2016,6th ed, pn.250), USP is the one feature of the product that most stands out as different from the competition, and is usually a feature that conveys unique benefits to the consumer. Even though the size and the marina are hard for competitive firms to imitate due to lack of resources in the area, SANI Festival is inimitable and therefore it can be characterised as a Unique Selling Point (USP) for the following reasons. For 25 years now SANI festival is connecting people from different cultures through music and art, attracting many international visitor and locals; providing high quality entertainment to its attenders and generates significant revenue for the resort. It is characterised as a USP for sani resort not only because of these 25 years of perfect organise, implementation and innovation, but also because there is no other art festival with the similar size, variety, glamour and reputation as SANI festival in Greece; which are the factors that makes it i nimitable, and not the cost of creating such an event. It is sure that there is room for more advertising in the social media, but since it is promoted and recognised as a refined art festival, there is a fine line between being an art festival and being a faceless attraction for many more visitors. Â  

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sport And Exercise Psychology Psychology Essay

Sport And Exercise Psychology Psychology Essay Sports Psychology involves the research of the emotional factors associated with participation in sport. Sport Psychology gives a fundamental of knowing how the various aspects of mindset can be applied to sport participation. Evaluation of character types will be discussed relating to sport participation. This will be extended to discuss the inspiration and leadership participation to sport participation as well as the relationship between anxiety and excitement with respect to enhancing wearing performance. Psychological skills training will then be demonstrated, including success stories, group characteristics, visuals, positive self-in relation to achieving peak wearing performance. Release to Game Psychology provides a greater knowing of the emotional processes of individual sportsmen and group characteristics to enhance wearing performance. Must basics of typical concepts of sport mindset will give you a better knowing of this area. For decades, specialists, trainers and inspir ational speakers offered a variety of concepts on how sportsmen could improve their performance through mental practice. Game mindset became a more recognized and accepted area of research during the 1980s after Denver psychotherapist Wayne Loehr recorded typical practices of successful sportsmen and related them to performance, group characteristics, visuals, positive self-in relation to achieving peak wearing performance. Release to Game Psychology provides a greater knowing of the emotional processes of individual sportsmen and group characteristics to enhance wearing performance. Must basics of typical concepts of sport mindset will give you a better knowing of this area. For decades, specialists, trainers and inspirational speakers offered a variety of concepts on how sportsmen could improve their performance through mental practice. Game mindset became a more recognized and accepted area of research during the 1980s after Denver psychotherapist Wayne Loehr recorded typical pra ctices of successful sportsmen and related them to performance. CHAPTER 3 MOTIVATION Efficiently I handled to sit for my 3rd module Psychology in PSB Academy, after the introduction of psychology was done, Mr Edgar continue with his session in Chapter 3 Motivation, in this chapter I would like to share my encounter in the year of 2006, when I being appointed as an associate trainer, leading a team of Silat sportsmen age between from 10 12 years of age for their first period of time in their competition was not that tough, as I voluntarily accepted the offer which organize by the Nanyang Community Centre. I had no issue performing exercises and guide them along for their competition. The day of competition, I observed their behaviour such as anxious and pressure encounters on each individual sportsman including my younger brother, which emphasize me the day of my first competition with the similar experience, whereby my trainers approached me and provided me an inspiration assistance which I cant forget until now. So I did the same thing to my young other sportsmen which now I realize that inspiration play a part in every single action that we taking part of. After I talked to them and share some of my encounter and experience, I can see comfort on them and gradually they are placing more attempts to battle and win the competition. Incredibly out of 12 sportsmen seven went to finally and 4 sportsmen including my sibling was chosen for the first badge of Silat group in Singapore Sport School. Inspiration element was performed by Mr Edger providing my interest in Psychology in sports. With the techniques and guide which I used back then, and the element that I discovered right now help me to improve and evaluate the scenario better in the future. In this element I discovered to determine motivation and its element, route of attempt describe an individual search for out and techniques for certain scenarios and notice an individual attempt in a particular scenario. Beside determine the motivational element the guide for building up motivation are so useful to follow such as inner attributes, understand their purpose participation, framework the scenario, identify the crucial part and to modify the contribution purposes. With this guide I may evaluate the aspects that may be easier to modify. Not just motivation, accomplishment and objective successful can performed into the motivation method. Without accomplishment and objective successful, no point to encourage an individual without their objective, if the individual concentrates on their objective it may easier to encourage the individual, as such self improve and social evaluation may apply to the individual. We should impact the accomplishment motivation of the individual and create the environment to improve their accomplishment and deal with of being vulnerable. I get to know that the best to do is to acknowledge interaction impacts on accomplishment motivation. To focus their objectives and result objectives is for tracking and provide appropriate reviews. I discovered the expertise of conversation with the sportsman when it is appropriate to contend and evaluate the individual culturally. Most of all is to look at their self recommended concentrate, control and accomplish the understanding of proficiency. CHAPTER 4 AROUSAL, STRESS AND ANXIETY In this chapter, I had learned to define the arousal, stress and anxiety. Stress was the process of our mind cant think successfully between physical and psychological. And there are few methods to process type of stress and discrepancy between physical and psychology of the person. In my practical knowledge, I experienced the advanced stage of stress where I was appointed doing the deployment for the first time and end up lead me to headaches. After Mr Edgar explains the said chapter arousal, stress and anxiety, I had completely understood of the explanations and to take note some of the notes for our reflection, beside that I did do some research on the internet to make me understand better. I did list the key point from Mr Edgar and internet forum Generally arousal is a psychological activity. Anxiety will be the opposite of it which is a negative psychological condition with emotions of fear, anxiety and worry that is associated with the initial of the body. Stress is a discrepancy between that requirement that someones emotions of capabilities to meet that requirement, when failing of these requirements has essential repercussions. Some situations produce more condition anxiety and arousal than others. Stress is also impacted by character tendencies. An individual with great feature anxiety, low respect, and great social body anxiety encounter more condition than others. Problem posits that as long as there are reduced concepts of stress, then performance will be best at a method level of actual stimulation. If there is advanced stage of nervous ideas, performance will be better as a method stage of actual stimulation but will instantly fall off and become useless. There is a splitting point when performance reduces considerably. Reversal Concept posits that the way that stimulation impacts performance relies on an individuals presentation of their stimulation. Arousal can be considered as enjoyable and interesting and as distressing and nervous. Arousal that is thought to be enjoyable helps performance, and vice versa for bad stimulation. Anxiety direction and intensity declares that how someone recognizes their own anxiety is essential for knowing the connection of their stores to their performance. Both the individuals intensity and direction have to be considered. Therefore, anxiety as helpful results in better performance. CHAPTER 6 FEEDBACK, REINFORCEMENT AND INTRINSIC MOTIVATION In feedback, reinforcement and intrinsic motivation, I manage to understand the most principle, techniques to impact behaviour and most of all is the guide for using good encouragement. As for the concepts of reinforcement there is complicated person that responds in a different way to the same encouragement and may not be able to do it again in preferred behaviour, and receive different the reinforcers in different situation. Although some coachs still uses risks of penalties as their primary motivational tool, a good approach coach is recommended for dealing with an athlete or directly offers an important compensate. Back then, studying and ongoing immediate encouragement is suitable, however sporadic encouragement is more effective these days. Difficult skills, can shape the behaviour of the athletes by strengthening close approximation of the preferred behaviour. To offer performance reviews, knowledge is the outcome to help people improve performance by offer specific reviews regarding the correctness of their reaction and by improving their inspiration. Potential to the disadvantage of our penalties and critique include arousing fear of failing and implement unwanted behaviour and shame which effecting the studying of expertise. As we know and research has made, a person was being paid for operating on an interesting activity can reduce a persons intrinsic motivation for the activity. To understand a compensate is crucial in identifying whether the compensate will improve or reduce intrinsic motivation. The benefits that people understand as managing their behaviour or two indicating that they are not qualified and reduce their intrinsic motivation. Rewards that highlight the informative element and offer good feedback about proficiency improve their intrinsic motivation. A grants sportsman can either reduce or improve athlete level of intrinsic motivation, based on which is more highlighted to control or informative element. In major competition such as Olympic, Sea Games and World Tournament generally athlete may success and tends to improve their intrinsic motivation and most athlete results to fail and tend to reduce their intrinsic motivation and it is determined by the athlete to pay attention to successful or too unsuccessful to the competition. In the flow the condition may contain many of the common elements, but a key of the element which balance between individual capabilities and task. Few factors such as confidence, maximum arousal and concentrate might help us to achieve the flow state. Beside that there is an effect of flow which can we prevent such as self crucial mind-set, diversion and lack of preparation, so psychological skill training has to be practiced in order to get the flow right. CHAPTER 7 GROUP AND TEAM DYNAMICS On chapter 7, in group team dynamic I had managed to identify two types of different roles which common uses in the team, as for coach and team captain they were dictated by the structure of the management and informal rules that evolve from the dynamic group. Depend its how was the group structure on each interaction of the members, group roles and group norms was the two important structural characteristics in each team. Each rule consists of the behaviour which required of the person to occupying the same position in the group. Belief, performance and patterns of behaviours are the norms level of each group that exist on the earth. To create effectiveness of the team climate, the team should develop how players to perceive the interrelationships between their group members to prevent a critical factor which affecting the team climate. For example fairness and social support might affect the team climate and performance. Moderately, individual skill is related to success in individual team especially for high level performance team which critically for each player to have a greater contribution in the future, in other ways video media recording one of the methods to help players identify their mistake and make them understand their individual roles and giving the player effort to make a massive contribution in the upcoming event. In social loafing concept, what I understand within my group sometime will put less effort as we had losses the motivation within us and that was the phenomenon with all group athletes. Sometimes there was a division of their responsibility to pick up the slack. The individual most often cannot be independent to evaluate the task that is perceived to be meaningful, some personal involvement the task are low which impossible to compare with group standard. Contributing to collective effort are strangers than teammates are seen as high in ability and some contribution outcome is redundant to some athlete or group. There is a principle to which sport team to au fait with. They have to begin with a pre briefing, to discuss their weakness and their strength, and they have to set a goal of their achievement every game or level they played on. In order to get their respective goal or achievement the team have to undergo cross training, research has made and proven that cross training are effective to apply for. In this training, the team able to manage their pressure level and giving the task of their individual athlete. In every team communication is the most important asset to bond the team, in closed loop communication training team member is taught with basic communication, collect information and make decisions in a short period of time. Communication is very important to those athletes that under pressure which other teammates may help to ease down the pressure. In adaptation in the team, I use to have the feeling whereby I first joined the Silat National Team in 2001, I feel so left out which I dont know who I want to speak to, however session by session I manage to get into the team and the band are getting better after my first international competition with them. Sometimes, my teammates told me which of my area that I need to improve on and I have to correct myself in every session of my training, a part of it I do consult my coach regarding my performance in the training. I feel so satisfied when my coach praises me and my team. CHAPTER 8 GROUP COHESION In this chapter, I have opportunities to understand the cohesiveness which group member had a same mindset and together to achieve the common goal and objective. In my view that I must have a good leader with high expectation of goal in a team. As he may bring the team strive to achieve the common goal. To boost the team cohesiveness, the team can design their own logo or motto of their team for their vision target. My experience in the group cohesion, back then in 2001 when I was in National Team, my team will make an event or vocation after the competition such as Picnic or had dinner together and maybe went for holiday, irregardless whether the athlete didnt deliver the medal to Singapore, first and foremost not the glory that we bring into but the effort that we put into the team that show us that we are bonding together, when our athlete was in the arena to fight with the opponent we as a team give 110% of support to him as I and the team have the same mission as he did which bring back medal for Singapore. In this group cohesion, the team tendencies to stick together as the team have the same objective and goal toward the competition and had a good interpersonal attraction among the team members. However before I had a flow of my group members, before the hand number of my team members had clashed with one another, conflict of task with our captain, some of the team members are struggling for the power of being a captain, with all this problem our team member had a severe breakdown communication. After we bring up the issue to our coaches, I can see the team trying to gain the vision which they had left out in the beginning of their mission and the team members has shared their goal and objective which they trying to achieve on it. Im so glad that our coaches make an immediate action to resolve the conflicts which we had brought up earlier before condition getting worse. After the incident, the team willing to help the group members whenever they were needed. To get the group more cohesive, they must have good influence on individual members to get the group norms. The higher the cohesion is the better the team can resist disruption than the lower cohesion. The team may stay longer and tend to be much more cohesion which can lead to improvement in their performance and lower possibility the athlete to be dropped from the team and the team leader have to play apart to increase the team cohesiveness. Group cohesion not only for an athlete or sport, I can then see the cohesion in my current workplace. I was appointed as a team leader in Aetos Auxiliary Police in Changi Prison Clusters. I lead 60 officers who come from Malaysia and our local, my challenge as a team leader was tough for the first week to forming them together. I fine day I decided to divide them into two groups and organize a team retreat, as my first intention was to relieve myself and my team. Subsequently after the two days of my team retreat, as my team has started to work on the following day, they started to communicate between them and I can see the cohesion among them getting stronger on each day. CHAPTER 9 LEADERSHIP This chapter on leadership is relevant to my current job scope. The team leader is a challenging job to execute, some will declare that it is homogenous job. Those in the leadership role knew that it is a noble job, as for leader we have to work tirelessly to keep our officer in standard discipline. By any measure, the leadership skills are of a world-class standard, and we are proud to acquire those skills inside us and contributed to our organization. The leadership is nothing without my fellow officers. Of course, I was tasked to lead a team of 60 officers comprising Malaysians and Singaporeans and I have to maintain high standards of discipline, and a firm stand on them. For the successful officer, I offer them an extraordinary deployment in the service which leads them to the next level and at the same time I will impart the leadership skill to the officer. I am honoured to be working with the Aetos Auxiliary Police, which allowed me to excel. My leadership career has been an excellent experience in the organization. I had started, like everyone else, as a Police Constable and man on the ground to further increase my confidence to do my best for my organization. Subsequently I was promoted to Corporal and was appointed as an assistant team leader and several years involved in various types of assignment. By 2010, I promptly did my best for my performance and was appointed as full team leader and authorize to approve leave and other management level documentation and it was my life-changing experience. I was tasked to set up and involve new Aetos Auxiliary police officers to take over from the Cisco Auxiliary Police at Changi Prison Complex. The few years I was in command of Cluster A in Changi Prison Complex, I had encountered volatile group performances which resulted in my reputation being jeopardized, however I manage to maintain the reputation and dignity of my subordinate as Aetos Auxiliary Police have. As Leaders, they are able to influence Subordinate and peers toward their objective, by establishing interpersonal relationship and motivation toward their men. Every leader understood the needs of the team and the Leaders have to provide direction and resources to accomplish it. First and foremost we have to manage the planning, organizing and scheduling. As a great leader they have to possess a set of universal personality traits that are essential for effective leadership such as benevolent, far sightedness and firm. Successful leader always characterizes a universal set of behaviours and establish the way of approach in each behaviour of the individuals. Sport leadership will rely on how well the latter behaviour such as required, preferred and actual, and also we have to study the characteristic of the history of the situation. The leader should have a positive outcome and better view of their team performance. CHAPTER 15 GOAL SETTING After having studied in chapter 15 Goal Setting or aim for actions, there is some useful type of goal that can be used, self comparisons for improvement themselves, action lead to improved performance and to surpassing others, it can be useful for this type of goal and I get to know when to focus on each goal and not devoting to one attention at outcome goals. With an objective goal is the desire to attain a specific standard on a task within a specified time. By understanding of outcome goals, we have to focus on victory in any competitive and set a standard based on ones own previous performances and not the performance of others. Every goal setting is an extremely powerful method for enhancing performance if we implemented correctly, if the athlete had set the outcome goal some performance should set by the individual which to process goals that lead for that outcome, eventually in general specific goals are more effective to produce a change in behavioural. I did make a research on goal setting, my research shown that some goal setting demonstrates that same goal are a powerful which can affect a human behaviour change, regardless directly or indirectly. Some goal can influence the behaviour directly by bringing the athletic performer to elements the skill or task. Motivation mood might increase to achieve and to set their goal and persistence and can develop new learning strategies. This psychological factor such as self confidence, anxiety and satisfaction might change if the goals they set might not achieve it as such the goal may influence the behaviour indirectly. Goal setting principle includes developing helpful kind of goals, specifically, moderately difficult but realistic both short and long term, both practice and competition and both performance and process goals. Some other principles of effective goal setting are recording the goals, developing concomitant goal achievement strategies, considering a participants personality and motivation, fostering commitment to goals, providing support to the goal setter and providing evaluation and feedback of performance toward goals. Well I touched on my experience on my goal setting in the year of 2008. I never had any gold medal in my Overseas International Silat competition before. After I get to know that, in June 2009 theres another International State Competition which host by Malaysia. Im looking forward for the competition as my goal was to get a Gold Medal before the of 2010. In 2009, after one year I undergo my hard time training for the competition, we fly off to Malaysia. Once I reached my hotel, I met my ex-opponent from Vietnam which I being defeated by him once, I almost wanted to drop my goal setting after seeing my ex-opponent, however my coach approaches me and gave me a word of encouragement to me. In fact, I told myself that I trained hard enough to win this competition. My next stage result stated that I will fight against Vietnam in my semi final, eventually I won the semi final and qualified for the final stage. On the day of my final, I told myself that one more fight to go to achieve my goal even though my leg was injured, the pain disappeared as my focus for my goal. I fight ferociously till the final bell was ringing, and I won the final and achieve my goal for the year of 2009. CHAPTER 13 IMAGERY I would never, under any situation I can currently imagine to adapt the concept of imagery in Silat. I first started playing Silat in 1998, and the only way to win was to defeat the opponent. The number of years Ive played Silat and Ive been in several competitions as far as I can tell, the most memorable of my entire life. So this is something I most value, more than I probably should. I actually disagree with the session of imagery in Silat, I think theres nothing cool about thinking over the fantasy in Silat. The imagery Silat session has increased my enjoyment of the Silat training and Ill never stop practicing. But sometimes you have to love something you do in order to see the result. At first I am uncomfortable with the way the imagery Silat session was conducted as I always train with the live person but in this session the coach trained us using our mind which. When I started in 2001, at the time only a handful of people knew what is was. The people who wanted to try this activity find a little weird to begin with. But now almost the athlete practice every now and then. This is the only way the athlete to interact with the coach or manager on a week-to-week training. There is a large, ever-expanding type of athlete who cannot remember a connection to Silat that did not involve owning of skill who work on their personal behalf. Imagery helps me to prepare myself for competition and is actually a very easy tool for me to develop and use.   There is no wrong or right way to use imagery, I usually like to think about my success at night before I sleep and before my games started, and sometimes I prefer spending a few moments inside dressing room or in the locker room thinking about my planning and strategies of fight before the game.   One of the sessions I like most was using imagery methods with Silat traditional music, whereby we had to create the visual in our mind and put ourselves in those days where the Malay warrior was around. Our coach told us to pretend that we are one of the warriors and fight with the opponent, the imagery takes 10 15 minutes long and same goes to the music. After the imagery session done, I feel that I am going to the war and I was in the era of my warrior. In between of the imagery session, when my mind visualises the move of kicking or punching, my either of my hands or legs will reflect into the situation. On my finding, just about any way we can incorporate mental preparation will ultimately help my performance, and with imagery I can repeatedly see with my mind about my success in the future, its actually can strengthen my neural connections in my brain leading to better muscle memory. The best mindset to be in, when my mind and my body are at  peace or relax condition where I dont have to think so much about what to do next, but I have to react to the situation.   I always keep in my mind in most sports which I do not have to think through the situations and making muscle memory a very important aspect of every athletic success. CHAPTER 12 AROUSAL REGULATION In this chapter I had no idea what to reflect on this paper, but I did do some research on the Arousal Regulation. An individual failure or success in the performance arena often lies in the capability of the person to be mentally fit. There are many aspects that impact an individual psychological health and fitness, such as wellness, enjoyment, confidence, arousal and exterior pressure, focus, attitude and planning. The details below, written by a Sport Psychotherapist, will give you the specific details to achieving the maximum arousal stages during their performance. Arousal is a term generally used in sport and exercise science to explain an athletes level of psychological and exercising. Many things can affect an athletes level of arousal, such as performance objectives, negative thinking and self-doubt, planning and preparedness, general life of pressure, as well as exterior aspects such as varying weather conditions, facilities, and viewers. Arousal gets considerable attention from the trainers, and sport researchers because its one of the most highly effective aspects affecting contribution as well as performance. Over the decades, sport specialists have applied a number of concepts to explain the relationship between arousal. One of the most widely used designs is known as the Inverted-U Hypothesis. The concept is that when a persons excitement level is low and the performance might also lower. The body and mind arent energized and prepared to deal with the requirements of performance. As arousal stage improves, performance improves up to maximum factor. However, when arousal improves past this maximum factor to a very advanced level, a person begins to experience anxious and predicted to decline. It has been proven that high exercising inhibits the bodys capability to perform muscles stiff and become tight, synchronisation and skills break down, and early exhaustion sets in. Furthermore, increased psychological action makes it difficult to concentrate and think positively, and start feeling confident. Consequently, sport and work out artists encounter the constant task of trying to keep their excitement at the maximum stage to encounter optimum performance. The thing is, each persons maximum arousal stage is different. Furthermore, each sport has a different maximum arousal zone. With encounter, tracking and some help from an activity psychotherapist, most sports and workout artists can discover and learn to control their maximum arousal stages. Its a wise decision to trial several different techniques over a time period. After each operation, keep a track record of the procedures you used and rate your arousal stage on a scale of 1-10. The goal is to try to discover the techniques that help you to reach your maximum arousal stage and accomplish optimum performance. Sport Psychotherapist Dr Tarah Kavanagh brings together over 20 years encounter as an athlete, trainer, and sport psychologist to clubs, national sporting organizations, sports development, schools, colleges and universities. She has an amazing understanding of the health and fitness, and health industry, its requirements and the complex aspects that impact performance and wellness. CHAPTER 16 CONCENTRATION This is my experience for this chapter, Concentrate! Focus on your game! I always hear my coach and teammates repeatedly saying this over and over again. My ability to maintain concentration while Im in the fight, the pressure of the game is critical for the best performance of me. If I lose my focus to a sell-out crowd shouting and cheering, distracting competitor and nagging self doubt, Im not only battling with my opponents, but Im battling myself. Although I may not always be able to eliminate the distractions, to be successful athletes I shall take control of my performance by preventing out needless disruptions while addressing important cues or instruction. To make use of the information I must determine which of these four styles my strengths are and which styles I need additional assistance to develop my concentration. In my research I found every athlete has their own strong points and weaknesses some athlete are excellent at one skill and poor on the others, while other athlete may be somewhat experienced in all dimensions. In general, I find that athletes in closed skill sports tend to use an arrow internal focus. Closed skill sports include sports such as swimming and diving that dont have to react to the changing environment. In that case we have to concentrate their weakness and strength. For the most part they compete against themselves and are in control of the situation. Because swimmer and divers competition environment is rather static, they need to be more aware of their body and overall energy management. Therefore, closed skill athletes should tend to have a more narrow-internal attentional focus. This is in contrast to attentional styles of athletes in open skilled sports such as soccer and tennis where the environment is constantly changing, causing the athletes need to evaluate and re-evaluate the situation and then react. Open skill athletes tend to use broad-external attentional skills more often than closed skill athletes do. The othe

Monday, August 19, 2019

Golem At Large, What You Should Know About Technology. :: essays research papers

â€Å"The Golem at Large: What you should know about technology†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Technology can be regarded as a phenomenon with vast uncertainties. Technological change is rapid and we are struggling to keep up to date with the latest advances, while learning new ones and trying to prepare for the next changes proposed for the future. In order to do so, however, we need to be clear about what we mean, and what we consider to be a technology and evaluate some of the assumptions of our understanding of our technologically advanced society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In ‘The Golem at Large, What we should know about technology’ The authors’ main purpose is to show their audience that we trust technology too much and don’t take into consideration that human error occurs. Much of the world of technology, as suggested by the authors, is built on trust: â€Å"Trust that the engineers have done their job responsibly, trust that they have the right expertise to do the job properly. â€Å" The idea that even the best intentions go wrong, and that even well designed technology can go wrong at times. They also emphasize that we tend to blame technical failure rather than the human consumption failing itself. By contrast, they chose to link technology to the golem. The golem was a creature from Jewish mythology and while not evil, is marked by a clumsy drive. Technology, at its cutting edge, will always rage with controversy, because there is no neutral place, nor a central point, in the search for responsib ility and accountability of a failed technology. The authors’ also try to accomplish certain biased viewpoints throughout this book. They prove this by showing us how the imperfections of technology are related to the uncertainties of science. They are basically trying to show the audience that we need not trust technology completely, because we are the ones who developed it to originally and that humans are really the ones not to be trusted. Many of these cases have a main point to be accomplished by the authors’. For example in the Patriot missile story, they try to bring a certain message across to their audience to prove their thesis. Sometimes, issues that the authors attempt to address are raised in the context of technology the are discussing. However, these instances are few and far between and the proposed solutions ,I feel ,can be criticised. It would seem that the audience that they are trying to capture in this book, I think, are the type of people that pay close attention to media that occur with these type of events.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Identifying Factors in the Development of Aggression and Violence i

The Identifying Factors in the Development of Aggression and Violence in Youth Today Tragic events like the shootings at Columbine High School capture public attention and concern, but are not typical of youth violence. Most adolescent homicides are committed in inner cities and outside of school. They most frequently involve an interpersonal dispute and a single victim. On average, six or seven youths are murdered in this country each day. Most of these are inner-city minority youths. Such acts of violence are tragic and contribute to a climate of fear in schools and communities. Research findings are identifying factors in the development of aggressive and antisocial behavior from early childhood to adolescence and into adulthood. Prospective longitudinal and intervention studies have identified major correlates for the initiation, escalation, continuation, and cessation of serious violent offending. Many studies indicate that a single factor or a single defining situation does not cause child and adolescent antisocial behavior. Rather, multiple factors contribute to and shape antisocial behavior over the course of development. Some factors relate to characteristics within the child, but many others relate to factors within the social environment (e.g., family, peers, school, neighborhood, and community contexts) that enable, shape, and maintain aggression, antisocial behavior, and related behavior problems. The research on risk for aggressive, antisocial and violent behavior includes multiple aspects and stages of life, beginning with interactions in the family. Such forces as weak bonding, ineffective parenting (poor monitoring, ineffective, excessively harsh, or inconsistent discipline, inadequate super-vision), exposure to violence in the home, and a climate that supports aggression and violence puts children at risk for being violent later in life. This is particularly so for youth with problem behavior, such as early conduct and attention problems, depression, anxiety disorders, lower cognitive and verbal abilities, etc. Outside of the home, one of the major factors contributing to youth violence is the impact of peers. In the early school years, a good deal of mild aggression and violence is related to peer rejection and competition for status and attention. More serious behavior problems and violence are associated with smaller numb... ...earch on violence has built upon that foundation. In 1966, NIMH created a Center for Studies of Crime and Delinquency, which was the locus of pioneering research on aggressive, antisocial, and violent behavior and its consequences. NIMH-supported research has generated information needed to identify, treat, and prevent not only the causes of violent behavior but also the effects of violence on victims, for example, child abuse. Most recently, the NIMH has assumed a lead role, along with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in developing a Surgeon General's report on the topic of youth violence. The NIMH believes that this report, as follow-up to the Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health, will be an effective and highly credible means of educating the public about the interaction of mental disorders and youth violence. For More Information About NIMH The Office of Communications and Public Liaison carries out educational activities and publishes and distributes research reports, press releases, fact sheets, and publications intended for researchers, health care providers, and the general public.

Analysis of Centaur Abducting Woman with Fallen Lapith Man Essay

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Perhaps the most interesting period in Greek sculpture is the Classical period. During this glorious period of unbelievable craftsmanship, numerous pieces celebrated the Greek’s infatuation with fable and war. The sculpture, nicely titled Centaur Abducting Lapith Woman and Fallen Lapith Man, is a wonderful symbol of the artistic period and image of war. Sculpted somewhere around 447-438 B.C., the sculpture was carved out of solid marble to produce a beautiful, and yet horrifying scene from a battle.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This sculpture was most likely the artist’s attempt to capture the essence of some fable that had been passed down through the generations. Perhaps more likely, it could have been the artist’s own imagination that fathomed the macabre beauty of the rendered scene. The sculpture is done in high relief, carved out of a solid block of marble. The lines and curves of the sculpture give each character within it great definition. It almost appears though, from the way in which the centaur holds the woman, that he has no head. This adds to the already existing complexity of the sculpture. It is very similar to other sculptures of the Classical period in the way that it depicts a man at death’s doorstep, and a woman being abducted. It seems to be a reoccurring theme.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The sculpture is done in a monochromatic brown hue. It depicts a valiant centaur with a Lapith woman slung over his shoulder. A Lapith...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Principles of the Constitution

Principles of the Constitution & the Branches of the Federal Government Grand Canyon University: POS 301 10. 30. 12">Principles of the Constitution: A Chart The Effectiveness of Checks and Balances The founding fathers could see issues with giving too much power to any one part of the government. They had witnessed what ha happened in Pennsylvania when their legislature, uncheched by a judiciary or executive, ignored essential liberties which lead to the deprivation of rights to Quakers based on their religious beliefs. The fathers knew we had out not to make this mistake again. Patterson, 2011) Thus, a system where each branch shared in a bit of the others' power was created to ensure there would exist no monopoly on political power. To analyze the effectiveness of this system, the motivations behind the system must be revisited. Checks and balances were a means for political moderation. This ensures that all change is well considered by all, and executed in a just manner. Considering issues in the nation's history such as womens' suffrage and other civil rights, the rate at which our nation has shifted policy has sometimes dragged its feet.Policy was well thought out, however at a slow rate. Specifically, there was nearly a century between the freeing of the slaves and the culmination of the Civil Rights movement. While it was a huge decision to be considered, the rights guaranteed to American citizens were being withheld or violated. If we are to consider the system in an international forum, we see that it comes down to the unique execution of the checks and balances. Again, considering the goal is political moderation, consider Mexico.Mexico has a similar institutional system of checks and balances, yet has an international reputation for being politically extreme. Considering Britain, a nation with unicameral legislature fused with the executive and no mechanism for judicial review, they still maintain a po litically moderate reputation. (Patterson, 2011) There is no universal best system, at least thus far. Where there have been issues with the timeliness of our own system, change does eventually occur even while maintaining that moderation which was a goal of the framers. The Three Branches of Government Legislative |Executive |Judicial | |Consists of Senate and House of |Consists of President and the Cabinet. |Consists of the federal court system, highest | |Representatives |Commander of the armed forces. |of which is the Supreme Court of the United | |Draft and approve laws for proposal to the |Essentially the leader of the nation. |States (SCOtUS) | |executive. Can sign proposed legislation into law. |Responsible for hearing cases of suit for | |Requires passing through both houses: the |Power to veto proposed legislation. |federal cases and cases where | |Senate and House of Representatives. |Appoints Supreme Court Judges and other |constitutionality may be in question. | |Have t he power to overturn executive veto with|federal officials. |Review constitutionality of policy when | |2/3 majority vote. |The cabinet carries out and enforces laws. |brought in suit. |Have the power to amend the Constitution |Cabinet members: agriculture, commerce, |Nine justices ensures a decision. Each | |Power to coin monies. |defense, education, energy, health, homeland |decision will have Court's Opinion, a | |Power to establish and maintain armed forces. |security, housing, interior, justice, labor, |commentary of the decision. | |Have the power to declare war. |state, transportation, treasury and veterans |Below the SCOtUS is the appellate court | | |affairs. system. Cases work up through the lower courts| | | |to the SCOtUS. | | | |Appellate court charged with hearing regional | | | |cases. | Branch Interaction The two bodies of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives, work together (sometimes with input from the President) to draft and discuss new policy.If after policy is written, voted upon and approved by both legislative bodies, that policy is given to the President (executive) to approve and write into law, or veto. After this the Supreme Court (judicial) has the power to review policy and weigh in on its constitutional legitimacy. A Bill Becoming a Law Following the skeleton of interaction between the branches of government previously discussed, the Bill starts as proposal from a legislative member. The bill is categorized and sent to the appropriate committee to be discussed, argued and tweaked.If the bill survives without being tabled, it is presented to both houses of Congress for debate and vote. If the bill passes these votes, it is presented to the President to either sign and enact the policy into law or to veto (deny) it. Effectiveness of the Process of Government There is a desire to have present a democracy, where the will of the majority will be driving force behind politics and policy change. To keep the majority in c heck, however, a republic is also in place. This puts into place the system of representation which will be accepting of the will of the majority (or its constituency) but not held captive by it. Patterson, 2011) The methods of selection also put varying degrees of separation between the masses and those governing, for example Representatives being elected by the people, the President being selected by the Electoral College, and Justices of the Supreme Court being nominated by the President & confirmed by Congress. What must be considered is whether or not the will and needs of the people are being represented in the making of policy. To be put in a position of representing people takes election from a particular geographic area. Those ho will be elected will, logically, be those individuals who hold and support the values of the majority of voting members of that constituency. That their job depends upon being elected initially, and then re-elected, it is in the politician's be st interest to hold his constituency’s interests at heart. Loosely, it is job security. Whether or not the agendas of the constituency or the politician's personal agenda are more represented depends on the individual representative. The framers believed it would take a representing body that was virtuous for the republic to work well in execution.But it is the whim of the people who is elected to represent them, at least in terms of Congress. It takes individual citizens being learned of actions being levied by their representatives and the individuals' duty to contact that representative or change voting habits. There is a tremendous amount of accountability on all sides to ensure the process represents the people as accurately as possible. References: Patterson, T. E. (2011). The american democracy (10th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. ———————– Goals of the Framers -Establish a government which could be strong enough to me et the needs of the nation. –Maintain integrity of states' rights –Maximize liberty and citizen influence Political Mechanics Installed –Specific granting and denial of power –Bill of Rights for personal liberties –Elections –Separation of Power and Checks and Balances Between Them: Legislative – Executive – Judicial To Accomplish This Executive (President and Cabinet) Legislative: Congress (Senate and House of Reps) Judicial (Supreme Court) Executive over Legislative -Power of veto -Recommendation of policy -Execution of policy Can call special sessions of Congress Legislative over Judicial -Dictates size and jurisdiction of courts -May rewrite judicially interpreted policy Judicial over Legislative -May interpret Constitutional legitimacy of policy -May declare policy unconstitutional Legislative over Executive -May overturn veto or impeach -Approves treaties and appointments -Enacts budget Judicial over Executive -May declar e executive action unlawful, against policy or unconstitutional – Executive over Judicial -Nominates those to serve as judges. -Can pardon anyone tried within the system (Patterson, 2011) ———————– 8